quotes I am the master of my fate

13 June 2023
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Updated 13 June 2023

I am the master of my fate

The animation movie “Inside Out” is probably one of the best movies that describes how our emotions work by giving them a persona as if they are people inside our heads. What truly interested me about the movie was how the character, Sadness, was able, by touching memory balls, to affect the outcome and next steps of Riley’s life (the major character of the movie). Hence when Sadness is behind the steering wheel, the brain attracts sorrow and negativity. Suddenly, more problems emerged for Riley, and all her actions added more trouble to her life.

We attract the thoughts we empower in our minds. If we allow fear to control us, we will always fail and attract failure as a damaging conviction of our beliefs. If deep down we are not confident we can win that job or succeed in our project, or whatever the goal you have in mind, if deep down you do not honestly believe that you deserve it, then your subconscious mind will follow your orders and fulfill your wish, and you will never succeed.

We all have two minds in our brains; the conscious mind that we use to practice life as we know it and the subconscious mind that performs all activities we do on a subconscious level. For example, imagine driving home after a long day at the office. This process has become so automated in our heads that we hardly think about the road or the direction we are taking. Suddenly, you are home without noticing the road’s details. How did that happen? Your subconscious mind was holding the steering wheel.

This concept is not new, as all religions and ancient philosophies teach their followers that positive thinking and having faith in Allah, God, the universe, or whatever supreme being you believe in, will get your prayers answered, one way or another. If you genuinely believe you will get what you asked for, you will get it. Deep inside, you have to believe that you will get it and deserve to get it.

We attract the thoughts we empower in our minds. If we allow fear to control us, we will always fail and attract failure as a damaging conviction of our beliefs.

Who among us has never talked to ourselves with negative thoughts and feelings of guilt for one reason or another, only to find that things only get worse? Only when we decide to stand up and “change the way we think” about the situation (positive affirmations to the mind) does the situation get better. Mind you, the subconscious mind is not magic; instead, it is the engine that allows you to create that magic, provided, of course, that you still have to do all the hard work related to achieving your goal. So whether you are having a bad or a good day, know that it was your choice and your decision, depending on how you directed your subconscious mind to set your day.

“The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy is one of the best books on this subject. Murphy talks about the powers of the subconscious mind and how to use them to your advantage. Keep in mind that the subconscious mind does not know if what you are saying to yourself is accurate or if you are feeling down or just kidding. Like any good soldier, it will take it at face value and follow through. The book also talks about the most critical moments in your day when you need to pay attention to your thoughts during those moments, and those are the last 10-15 minutes before you fall asleep and the first 10-15 minutes after you wake up.

Based on my personal practice, here is what I would recommend you do.

Start with your top three wishes or dreams, or desires; write them down in a specific, measurable way. Use positive connotations, and avoid any negative or passive words like “I do not want” or wishing someone else harm.

Also, avoid using phrases like “I wish.” Instead, use affirmative words like “I will” or “I am.” Visualize each wish in your head as if you already have it; write down how each wish would affect your life by having a precise scenario in your head.

Finally, read those affirmations aloud several times a day with a strong, confident voice, as if you have already achieved them, especially before going to bed and once you wake up, with a few times in between, for a few weeks.

Once upon a time, a little girl asked her father: “If everything in my destiny is written already, then why should I wish?” The father replied: “Maybe on some pages, it says, as you wish.”

Rakan Tarabzoni is the chief operating officer of the FII Institute. He began his career in business management at Procter & Gamble. He later moved to Microsoft, then to the Public Investment Fund as head of Corporate Communications. Tarabzoni established a personal blog on self-development and growth in 2011 under his name www.RakanTarabzoni.com.